About Our Prices

Why Our Prices are So High

Welcome!  If my clairvoyance skills are any good, you've begun to hear how bad grocery store food is for you and you're looking to get in on some of the natural, nutrient-dense food that you've been hearing about.  Good for you!  However, now that you've had a chance to look around, you're wondering why this good food is so expensive!  I can't answer for anyone else, but here is why our food costs more than what you find in the grocery store:

It's better.  Some things that are more expensive aren't any better than the generic brand - but that's not true when it comes to food.  See, our eggs aren't laid by caged chickens who cannot even turn around in their cages.  However, because we don't cage our hens, there's more labor involved in the human end of egg production.  Because our cows aren't raised in feed lots, there's a lot more labor involved in raising them.  Most people expect a Porsche to cost more than a Kia because the Porsche is just a higher quality vehicle.  The same is true of humanely and naturally raised food.

Government Dollars at Work.  Much of the food in the store is cheap due to government subsidies.  Corn is heavily subsidized, so has become the food of choice for growing all sorts of animals - many of which have no business eating corn.

Regulation.  While a commercial dairy selling pasteurized milk can have as many cows as they want, a raw milk producer in Oregon can only have 2 milk cows in production at any time - and no more than 3 on the premises at all.  Obviously, the costs associated with milking the cows, then, must be spread over the customers for 2 cows, rather than for 650 cows.

Keep reading, though, to see that our prices are actually low for what we offer.

Why Our Prices Are So Low

If you're familiar with good, nutrient-dense food, you might wonder why our prices are so low.  Unlike many small farmers in the area, we are not trying to make a full living from selling our product.

This Isn't Our Sole Income Stream.  As noted on the "About Us" page, my husband does have a full time profession and we raise these food products for our own family.  Fortunately (for us and for you), we raise a little more than what we need.  Because we have another source of income, we can keep food affordable for you and for us by selling our excess.

We Are Passionate About Making Good Food Available to Everyone.  Since we don't need to support our family on our farming income alone, we do our best to make the best food available at prices that most people can afford.  Healthy food shouldn't be available only to the wealthy.

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